
Self-love & the fertility struggle with Alice Rose

October 30, 2018

Today on #thebigselfcareshare we have Alice Rose, a woman on a mission to empower people during one of the hardest experiences in the world: a fertility struggle.

Alice Rose on self-care and fertility

Tell us about yourself.

I’m 35, married to Simon and mum of one IVF toddler. We live in London and I work for my dad. I started to share ways that I got through fertility treatment on Instagram and it’s snowballed into live events, a podcast and most recently my ‘think! what not to say’ campaign.

I suppose I offer a weird mix; encouraging people to live mindful, conscious lives, combined with solid support for fish and chips scoffing while bingeing on crap TV on the days when you need it. Life is about balance!

We couldn’t agree more! How do you define self-care?

This comes at a good time because I’ve been focusing on getting my podcast ready, launching my campaign and promoting my events. I am trying to juggle my job and personal life as well, so I’ve found myself getting to a point where I absolutely have to listen to my own advice.

What I’ve found though, is that with each challenge I’ve been faced with (vocal surgery when trying to be a singer; multiple failed rounds of fertility treatment; post-partum insomnia…) I’ve had to dig deeper every time. I’ve had to reach into my self-care toolkit (I call it my life raft!) and use all of my tricks and techniques to learn how to fuel and nourish my mental and physical wellbeing so I can be the best version of myself.

Self-care means putting my heart, soul and body first…

Self-care means putting my heart, soul and body first so that I can give as much as I possible to my family, my friends and the people who follow me on Instagram. If I don’t take my self-care seriously I can’t hope to encourage other people to do the same. Self-care means daily nourishment and check-ins to make sure I am OK. It’s loving myself unconditionally and giving myself as much gentle support and encouragement as I give my daughter.

How do you build self-care into your regime?

I write. Every day! I do three pages of free writing, then read for a while before bed. That’s my favourite time of the day. If I feel called to, I will meditate or do some yoga too. I live intuitively so I don’t have any routines really apart from my writing, which I couldn’t be without.

Can you share any self-care tips?

I think you have to check in with yourself daily. Whether it’s meditation, writing or moving…you need to go inside and see how you are. Only then can you give yourself what you need on any given day.

For example, I’m really looking forward to receiving some beautiful essential oils to help me cope with fatigue and stress! I’m no longer ashamed of admitting when I’m overwhelmed or tired. There’s nothing wrong with any feelings that come up – allowing yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling is such a relief. You haven’t failed. You’re human!

…allowing yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling is such a relief. You haven’t failed. You’re human!

The quicker I can identify how I am, the faster I can provide the antidote and come back into alignment, which is always the goal. I talk a lot about creating a ‘TTC Life Raft’ for people trying to conceive and I share my own story in detail during my talk and workshop. The feedback from the last two was amazing.

Such a brilliant response to my questions, Alice. Thank you!

Having been on something of a fertility rollercoaster myself I can appreciate just how valuable advice like Alice’s is. Do follow her on Instagram. She really does balance advice with humour and her latest campaign puts the spotlight on an important topic.

Alice’s latest blogs include How to Support Someone with Fertility Problems and 5 Ways To Cope with the Royal Baby news.

You can follow Alice on social media at:


And visit her website:

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