

September 23, 2018

Tomorrow sees the launch of #thebigselfcareshare, a series of guest blogs from those who inspire me, and who I know will inspire others, to be a little kinder to themselves each day.

My hope is to gather and share advice and stories that demonstrate how simple it is to integrate self-care into our daily lives. Whether at home or at work, the path to creating a healthier life and cultivating good habits isn’t easy at times. And that’s why I believe it’s important to talk about it.

For me, it all started with a journal. I would write about my experiences and occasionally post about them on Instagram. And then something interesting happened. The baby loss and fertility communities were interested in what I had to say; some of them bought their own journals, others were curious about making lifestyle changes and, over time, I stopped seeing looking after myself as some kind of luxury. I began to appreciate just how much the act of writing has helped me. Spotting behavioural patterns that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to identify. Emptying my thoughts onto paper that in turn empowered me to make big decisions. Learning to accept that the course of my life will sometimes be out with my control. It’s a mindful practice, one I’m learning more about each day.

So far, Bide & Bloom has given me a safe space to talk about the loss of my son, recurrent miscarriage and secondary infertility. And while I’d like it to continue as a blog and resource, I’d also like to expand it and share the steps I’m taking to look after my mental health. This is something I’ll touch on more in the near future, but for now, I’m going to make a commitment to bringing about some positive changes in my life right now.

Are you with me?

Slowly but surely, I’m seeing the benefits of taking better care of myself. It’s not easy – some days are REALLY hard – so I’m looking forward to learning more about what it means to embrace self-compassion and self-kindness as part of #thebigselfcareshare.

Do join in and comment or share the posts if they strike a chord. And let others know how you’re getting on with self-care by using the hashtag #thebigselfcareshare and tagging me @sarahjrobertson in your posts and stories so we can see and share them too.

Sarah x

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