
RAIN meditation with Mark Shayler

September 25, 2018

Mark Shayler is a thinker, speaker and author, one half of Ape – a sustainable innovation company – and Founding Partner of The DO Lectures. As part of the #thebigselfcareshare he shares his method for RAIN, a simple meditation technique that really works for him.

Mark Shayler self care series

Recognise, Accept, Investigate, Non-identity

Get absolutely soaking wet. There are many reasons why we get stressed or get stuck. Often a simple re-set is all that is needed. The way we think about ourselves can be harsh and judgemental. We can, and do, create our own self-limiting beliefs by the way that we perceive ourselves. I use a simple meditation process called RAIN.

Begin by focusing on the breath and breathing into the abdomen. When you are comfortable and focused on nothing/everything go through the following steps in your mind.

  1. Recognising. Recognise what is happening in your mind. Give it a name. Anxiety. Fear. Stress. Give it a name. This is Fear, I recognise it. Where do I feel it in my body? Tight chest. Tension, Heart rate. Recognise it and give it a name.
  2. Allowing. Don’t push it away. Don’t criticise ourselves for feeling this way. If we add a second layer of negativity to already feeling shit it gives the feeling more power. Whatever we feel is okay. Allow ourselves to feel the emotions and physical stuff. Don’t add anymore judgement on top.
  3. Investigating. Give the experience the kindness of your attention. What is calling for attention? What is dominant? Notice it and accept it without pushing it away. How does the body feel right now? Where is the tension or movement? Are the sensations changing? Investigate how you are seeing things. Can you allow what is happening or are you looking through a filter or lens? What opinions are you placing on the situation?
  4. Non-identifying. It’s best not to see this feeling as 100% part of ourselves. Otherwise, we have no space away from it. Observe it with balance, don’t identify with it. Relax the mind and think of the sky/cloud metaphor. The sky doesn’t change as the clouds pass by. The sky is not the weather. It is the sky. Your mind is bigger and different from the things within it.

You can read Mark’s full contribution to #thebigselfcareshare over at ‘why self-care matters‘.

You can follow Mark on social media at:


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